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2019-2020学年春夏学期研究生教育教学常见问题解答 FAQ on Postgraduate Education and Teaching in the Spring/Summer Semester, 2019-2020 Academic Year

2020年 02 月 19日 22:50


Part I. Teaching and course selection

1. 问:关于开课和返校时间?

答: 春夏学期教学按原校历执行,即2月24日正式开课。在学生返校前教学采用网上授课,学生返校后逐步恢复原来的课堂教学。学生返校时间按照上级要求和我校实际情况另行安排。

Q1. When will courses start and when will students return to campus?

A: The Spring/Summer Semester is to start officially on February 24 as per the original academic calendar of the University. Online teaching will be adopted before students are back to campus. When students return, classroom teaching will gradually resume. The return date will be determined according to the requirements of the authorities and the epidemic prevention and control situation of the University.

2. 问:春季学期教学如何进行?


Q2. How does the teaching proceed in the Spring Semester?

A: Before the students’ return to campus, regular courses open for the spring semester and the spring/summer semester according to the teaching plan will be taught online. The theoretical component of the Experiment/Practice courses will be taught online, and the experimental and practical component of the courses will be conducted after the students are back to campus. If conditions permit, some experiments in these courses may be facilitated online by sufficiently drawing on VR projects.

3. 问:春季学期研究生体育课程教学如何安排?


Q3. What are the arrangements regarding Physical Education Courses for graduate students?

A: The Graduate School and the Department of Public Physical and Art Education of the University have made adjustments to the physical education courses for the spring semester based on the current situation of the epidemic prevention and control and in light of the education and teaching goals of the PE curriculum. Students can learn and practice simplified Tai Chi, Cha Cha, Rumba, Jive, etc. at home via online teaching platform before returning to campus while teachers can give distance guidance on a class basis.



Q4. Are there any changes in the course selection schedule for graduate students?

A: In order to guarantee smooth online teaching, it is necessary to deliver relevant training to teachers and students in advance. Thus, the deadline for the initial course selection has been moved up. It is now scheduled as follows:

First round selection: 9 a.m., February 11- 9 a.m., February 15

Make-up selection: 8 a.m., February 24 - 11 a.m., March 6

Undergraduates can select graduate courses during the make-up selection period. Graduates can select undergraduate courses during the third and fourth rounds of undergraduate course selection, the time for which is subject to the online notice of the Undergraduate School.

5. 问:网上教学使用什么平台?


Q5. Where is the online teaching conducted?

A: Learning in ZJU (学在浙大, http://courses.zju.edu.cn/) will be the main platform for online teaching, including course slides, assisting learning materials, on-class Q&A and quizzes, homework assignments and revisions, teaching assistants’ Q&A, etc., while ZJU DingTalk (浙大钉) will be the main platform for live streaming. Third-party platforms can be used once checked and approved by the University. Course information can be accessed via Learning in ZJU (学在浙大).

6. 问:网上教学方式是怎样的?


Q6. How are the courses conducted online?

A: The online course will be mainly conducted by live streaming and supplemented by means of MOOC, recorded videos, etc. The lecturers will organize online teaching following the previously scheduled class hours.

7. 问:同学们应该做哪些准备?


Q7. What should students prepare for online learning?

A: Students should update their contact number and email in the Graduate Management Information System in a timely manner to ensure smooth contact with the University. Besides, students need to download ZJU DingTalk (浙大钉) APP and complete their registration and identification in both ZJU DingTalk (浙大钉) and Learning in ZJU (学在浙大), in which the classes will be automatically generated. Please be familiar with the operations of ZJU DingTalk (浙大钉) and Learning in ZJU (学在浙大) in advance.

8. 问:返校前学籍异动中的博转硕、转专业如何进行?

答: 学籍异动中的博转硕及转专业实行网上办理。同学在研究生管理信息系统申请后下载申请表,以邮件形式发送电子版给相关老师及所在院系;院系通过网上面试等方式进行考核(一级学科内转专业);院系通过OA上报研究生院审批。

Q8: How can graduates shift from a doctoral program to a master’s program or change majors before they are back to school?

A: The application for a student status change is facilitated online. First, students requesting such a change should file an application in the Graduate Management Information System, download the application forms, and send them by email in electronic versions to relevant teachers and schools (departments). Second, the schools (departments) make online assessments by virtue of video interviews, etc. (for shift of majors within a same first-level discipline). Third, the schools (departments) report the case to the Graduate School for review and approval through OA.

9. 问:非全日制专业学位研究生开课是否正常进行?


Q9: Will the part-time graduate courses start on time?

A: The general compulsory courses and optional courses of part-time graduate students are arranged by Graduate School and offered online. Please pay close attention to the latest updates on the Graduate School website and select courses in time. The professional courses are left to the discretion of schools (departments), and please pay close attention to the notices on the websites of the relevant schools (departments).


Part II. Cultivation Procedures

10. 问:春季博士生中期考核工作如何安排?


Q10: What are the arrangements regarding the mid-period examination for spring semester doctoral students?

A: The start time of the mid-period examination for spring semester doctoral students will be determined according to the situation of the epidemic prevention and control and the extent to which the epidemic concern is lifted. The specific arrangements will be notified later in another notice. Spring semester doctoral students who pass the mid-period examination will receive elevated post-grants from the University calculated from March onward.

11. 问:研究生开题报告、预答辩等培养环节是否正常进行?


Q11: Will cultivation procedures such as dissertation proposal report and pre-defense for graduate students proceed normally?

A: Cultivation procedures such as thesis proposal report and pre-defense for graduate students can be postponed according to possible progress in the epidemic situation. If certain circumstances require the completion of such procedures prior to the end of the epidemic, flexible means or methods (e.g., online defense in the form of video conference) may be employed to facilitate such procedures in the light of the basic requirements of the University and the schools (departments). Students in such circumstances should follow the specific arrangements and requirements of the relevant schools (departments).


Part III. Professional (Degree) Practice

12. 问:专业学位研究生专业实践是否正常进行?


Q12: Will professional degree graduate students proceed with their professional practices normally?

A: In accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the University has decided to suspend all kinds of professional practice activities for graduate students previously scheduled for February. Professional practice plans for March and beyond will be determined according to the actual situation of the epidemic prevention and control and the extent to which the epidemic concern is lifted. Please pay close attention to the notices in the corresponding school (department) website for latest updates. If the conditions permit, graduate students can carry out professional practice in the form of telecommuting according to the requirements of the employer.


Part IV. Overseas Exchange

13. 问:因公出国(境)交流审批手续应该如何办理?



Q13: How to go through review and approval procedures for official overseas trips or visits?

A: In principle, all overseas visits before the end of February should be postponed or cancelled. For graduate students who insist on going abroad before the end of February due to exceptional circumstances, they must contact their schools (departments) and go through review and approval procedures with the University before travelling abroad. Plans for official overseas trips of graduate students in March and beyond will be notified depending on the epidemic situation. During the epidemic period, WeChat and email screenshots with specific comments can be used as valid proof of supervisors’ and school (department) heads’ approval for graduate students’ official overseas trips.

14. 问:国家公派出国研究生因疫情无法按时回国可否申请延期?


Q14: For government-funded graduate students studying overseas, can they apply for an extended stay if they are not able to return to China on time due to the epidemic?

A: According to the Notice on Measures to Support Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control by CSC, “for government-funded students overseas who were scheduled to return to China before March 31 (tentative), their application for a deferred return due to the epidemic should be supported. The overseas study duration for these students can be extended up to March 31 (tentative).” According to the requirements of the University, graduate students who plan to apply for deferred return to China shall apply for a change in the overseas status through the “Overseas” module in the Graduate Education Management Information System, which shall be further examined and approved by their supervisors and schools (departments). Graduate students applying for deferred return should also remember to handle their visa extension if necessary by themselves. In case they fail to apply for a visa extension, they should still return to China on schedule and make sure not to stay overseas with an expired visa.

15. 问:国家公派出国研究生因疫情延期回国是否可以继续获得奖学金?


Q15: Can graduate students under CSC scholarship grants continue to receive financial assistance during their extended overseas stay due to the epidemic?

A: According to the Notice on Measures to Support Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control by CSC, “students will be provided with standard living subsidy during the extension period (tentatively set from January 20 to March 31) once their application for delayed return is approved”.

16. 问:国家公派出国研究生因疫情未能按时返回留学目的国怎么办?


Q16: What should be done if CSC scholarship graduate students fail to return to the destination country on time due to the epidemic?

A: According to the Notice on Measures to Support Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control by CSC, “it is recommended that students who have returned from overseas for holiday or meeting and thus cannot go back to the destination countries closely communicate with their overseas host universities to re-schedule a return time. Under such circumstances, their deferred domestic stay shall not interrupt the counting of their overseas study duration, and the living subsidy under the program will be provided normally from January 20 to March 31(tentative). If students are still not back to their destination country after March 31, the study overseas study duration will be interrupted and the living subsidy will be suspended from April 1. The suspension will be lifted from the date of the students’ return to their destination country and reporting to the local embassy or consulate”. Graduate students who are in such situations should contact their domestic schools (departments) regarding their plan and schedule to go back to the destination country and host university.

17. 问:获得国家公派出国留学资格但因疫情未能如期派出怎么办?


Q17: What should I do if I have obtained the qualification to study abroad from China Scholarship Council but failed to be dispatched due to the epidemic prevention and control? 

A: According to the Notice on Measures to Support the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control by CSC, “for the government-funded overseas study students whose qualification is valid until June 30, 2020, their applications for deferred dispatching, changes in host universities or countries or withdrawal of qualification shall be supported if they cannot be dispatched as planned due to the epidemic prevention and control.” Graduate students who intend to apply for deferred dispatch shall contact their domestic and foreign supervisors in a timely manner, and apply to the overseas study office via e-mail with updated invitation letters and personal statements approved by their domestic supervisors and colleges (departments).

18. 问:获得国家公派出国留学资格但因疫情申请放弃的,今年可否继续申请?


Q18: Can I apply for the qualification for government-funded overseas study with China Scholarship Council this year if I have obtained but gave up the qualification due to the epidemic prevention and control?

A: According to the Notice on Measures to Support the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control issued by China Scholarship Council, "Anyone who has waived the government-funded overseas study qualification with CSC due to the epidemic situation is not subject to the restriction that he/she cannot apply for qualification within two years." Thus, the student can still apply for the qualification for government-funded overseas study with CSC this year.

19. 问:2020年国家留学基金委国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目等项目申请是否有变化?


Q19: Are there any changes in the applications for government-funded overseas graduate student programs in high-level university with the China Scholarship Council in 2020?

A: At present, the China Scholarship Council has not released any relevant information. The Graduate School will notify the schools (departments), teachers and students in a timely manner for the application process once information is updated.

20. 问:获得“浙江大学博士研究生学术新星培养计划”“浙江大学资助博士研究生开展国际合作与交流项目”等校级资助但因疫情无法按时回国可否申请延期、延期手续如何办理、延期是否可以继续获得资助?


Q20: Can the students who have obtained the university-level funding such as the "Rising Star of Zhejiang University PhD Graduate Training Program" and "Zhejiang University PhD Graduates Funding for International Cooperation and Exchange Programs" apply for an extension of overseas study as they cannot return to China due to the epidemic situation? How to apply for the extension, and can these students be funded during the extended period?

A: The graduate students who are abroad at present are supported for an extension up to March 31 (tentative) due to the epidemic situation. According to the requirements of Zhejiang University, the graduate students who plan to apply for deferred return to China shall apply for a change in the overseas status through the “Overseas” module in the Graduate Education Management Information System, which shall be further examined and approved by their supervisors and schools (departments). Postgraduate students who apply for a deferred return to China should deal with their visa extension when necessary by themselves. For those who fail to obtain a visa extension, they should return to China on schedule and make sure not to stay abroad with expired visas. Postgraduate students who have been approved for extension by the school (department) need to cover any expense themselves in advance, and settle the reimbursement after returning to China.

21. 问:获得校级资助但因疫情申请放弃的,今后可否继续申请?


Q21: Can I apply for university-level funding in the future if I have received it this year but I gave up the qualification due to the epidemic prevention and control?

A: You will still be qualified to apply in the future.


Part V. Student Status Management



Q22: Is there any change in the registration time for graduate students?

A: Postgraduate registration is postponed until the full start of the new semester, which is to be determined based on the epidemic situation and circumstances of the University. The specific registration time will be notified later. All graduate students are requested not to return to the campus in advance.


答:老生请假,可在研究生教育管理信息系统学籍异动模块中网申请假,并上传相关证明材料;新生请假,可将电子请假材料发院系研究生科审核。新生请假时间不超过两周;老生请假原则上一个长学期内累计不得超过 1 个月。请假研究生返校后需及时办理销假、注册手续;延期、休复学、结业等学籍异动事项办理,可在研究生教育管理信息系统中进行线上申请,所需证明材料通过电子邮件发院系研究生科。需校级审核的事项,由院系通过电子邮件进行上报审批。所有学籍异动纸质材料待疫情解除后补提交。

Q23: How to apply for changes in student status such as leave, extension, resumption, and study completion?

A: The senior students can apply online for leave by uploading supporting materials through the Status Change Module in the Graduate Education Management Information System. New students can apply for leave by sending the supporting materials in electronic forms to the postgraduate office of their schools (departments). In principle, a new student should not request a leave exceeding two weeks, and the cumulative duration of leaves requested by a senior student should not exceed one month throughout a long semester. After returning to the University, graduate students who request for a leave must report back to their schools (departments) in a timely manner. Students who need to apply for study extension, suspension or resumption of study, and study completion, etc. should file applications online in the Graduate Education Management Information System. The required materials should be sent to the postgraduate office of their schools (departments) via email. Matters that require university-level review shall be reported by the schools (departments) via email. Hard copies of all these materials related to the applications for student status change need to be submitted after the epidemic concern is lifted.

24. 问:疫情防控是否会影响到毕业证书发放?


Q24: During the period of epidemic prevention and control, will the degree diplomas be issued as planned?

A: When the production and distribution of the graduation diplomas cannot be ensured in very particular circumstances, the University will issue degree certification documents with confirmable degree diploma numbers through email or other means. Under such circumstances the University will also contact CHSI (China Higher Education Student Information) of the Ministry of Education for prompt degree records review and filing, so that prospective employers can verify the graduate students’ degree records through the network. Once the epidemic is over, the formal degree diplomas will be produced and issued to the students.


Part VII. Dissertation Defense and Degree Conferral



Q25: For graduate students who planned to defend their dissertations in March 2020, what are the follow-up arrangements concerning the examination and review of their dissertations?

A: The examination and review of submitted dissertations of graduate students planning for defense in March 2020 is generally completed, with the review results of most of the dissertations already fed back to the Graduate Education Management System. The students should login to the system in time to read the comments from the expert reviewers on their dissertations. The students are also suggested to maintain close contact with their supervisors through email, telephone, etc., and keep up the work in revising and refining their dissertations under the guidance of their supervisors to ensure best possible academic quality.



Q26: For graduate students planning to defend their dissertations in June 2020, what are the arrangements concerning the submission, examination and review of their dissertations?

A: At our university, the submission, examination and review of dissertations are directly carried out online through the Graduate Education Management System, including such procedures as dissertation uploading, duplicate checking, supervisor review, school (department) review, submission to expert reviewers, expert review, results feedback, etc. For graduate students planning to defend their dissertations in June 2020, these procedures will remain unchanged from the previous years. The specific timing for each procedure will be subject to the notice of the corresponding school or department. For some of the graduate students who have not yet completed the experiments or projects pertaining to their dissertations, they are advised to return to the University following the time stipulated by the University and then complete the experiments or projects promptly under the guidance of their supervisors. All schools (departments) will schedule reasonable deadlines for dissertation submission and examination, dissertation defense, and degree approval based on the actual situation.



Q27: Are there any changes to the arrangements regarding dissertation defense and degree approval planned in March 2020 and June 2020 due to the delayed start of the semester?

A: For the previously scheduled dissertation defense and degree approval in March 2020, there are slight adjustments. The preliminary plan now is to schedule the dissertation defense for early and middle March, and degree approval for later March. For the previously scheduled dissertation defense and degree approval in June 2020, the schedule remains unchanged. Graduate students planning to defend their dissertations in March and June 2020 are requested to continue with their dissertation-related work under the guidance of their supervisors. The University may still make further adjustments to these preliminary schedules as per the specific new semester resumption time. However, such potential adjustments shall be made to the greatest extent possible to avoid impact on the follow-up educational or employment plans of the students.



Q28: For graduate students who are not able to return to school in time due to epidemic prevention and control reasons, how will they defend their dissertations?

A: In light of relevant regulations, the University organizes four sessions of dissertation defense and degree approval in a year, respectively in March, June, September and December. We recommend that graduate students who may not be able to resume school temporarily due to epidemic prevention and control reasons postpone their dissertation defense to a next session. If there are special circumstances (e.g., employment issues) that require such students to still defend their dissertations according to the original schedule, then on the basis of student application and the approval of the student’s school/department and the Graduate School, a dissertation defense in the form of online video conference may be applied. The composition of the defense committee and the defense procedures in such a case shall be implemented in accordance with the standard provisions regarding dissertation defense.



Q29: Will the epidemic prevention and control affect the issuance of degree diplomas?

A: In very particular circumstances where (if) the production and issuance of degree diplomas could not be guaranteed, the University will send the students degree certification documents with confirmable degree diploma numbers through email and other means. Under such circumstances the University will also contact the academic degree management system of the national Ministry of Education for prompt degree information filing, so that the prospective employers can verify the graduate students’ degrees on the internet. After the epidemic is over, the formal degree diplomas will be produced and issued to the students.