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Notice of the 2nd edition of the annual Engineering PhD Summit

2019年 04 月 17日 13:53

The School of Engineering of EPFL in Switzerland is pleased to announce the 2nd edition of the annual Engineering PhD Summit, a workshop for final year PhD students interested in a career in academia.

  • Workshop dates: October 2-4, 2019
  • Deadline for application: May 31st, 2019

This notice is to solicit nominations for possible candidates at this workshop.

The year the summit will focus on “Intelligent Systems”. (click for a detailed description)

EPFL will select up to 20 candidates on a very competitive basis and invite them to EPFL Switzerland where they will get the opportunity to present their research. Each accepted student will be given the opportunity to visit EPFL laboratories related to summit theme and have intensive exchange with the lab head and the students. The PhD Summit prize for the best presentation and research content will be awarded at the end of the workshop.

Funds for travel and accommodation will be provided for the selected candidates.

If any question, please contact:

GU Libing 顾力冰

Project Leader for Academic Relations 学术关系主管
