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2019年 01 月 14日 13:08


PROM program for young teaching staff and PhD candidates

PROM Program offers a financial support for short-term study visits in Poland. The program is addressed to PhD candidates doctoral students and young academic staff from South Asia, who want to acquire materials for a doctoral thesis or a research papers or teach at the University in Warsaw.

18 PhD candidates and 4 young academics teachers will be awarded a full scholarship for a short-term study visit in Poland. The study visit can last 7, 14 or 30 days, including 2 days for travel. Scholarship will include travel costs (up to 5 000 PLN) and daily allowance to cover accommodation.

Since PROM is being coordinated by the Polish Research Centre for Law and Economy of China, applicants from law, business and economics department are mostly welcomed.

Recruitment schedule

·31/01/2019 - delivery of the application in paper version to the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, Collegium Iuridicum I, room 423, and sending scans of attachments to the address china.law@wpia.uw.edu.pl

·10/02/2019 - app evaluation

·20/02/2019 - announcement of recruitment results

Candidates must

·be a Phd candidate or a young academic (under 40 y. o.) from one of South-Asia university,

·be enrolled in a doctoral programme OR be an academic teacher,

·have an outstanding academic record,

·have a strong development potential in his/her career,

·demonstrate English language proficiency (min. level B2).

Your application should include following documents in English:

·personal questionnaire (available at chinalaw.wpia.uw.edu.pl)

·personal statement and research plan indicating a hosting institution, academic supervisor, course

or training and a duration of your stay in Poland - 7, 14 or 30 days

·curriculum vitae with a list of academic and non-academic achievements

·confirmation of your PhD student status

·TOEFL, IELTS or other test report to prove English language proficiency

·two recommendation letters from professors

Please visit pagehttp://chinalaw.wpia.uw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/PROM-Program-Infosheet.pdf


for more information.



