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2017年 12 月 19日 08:33

The Delegation of the European Union to China is offering traineeship opportunities for students during the periods of March to August and September to February, starting from March 2018.

  General context: these traineeships are essentially established through a traineeship agreement either with a local university or directly with a student. The traineeships are exclusively for the benefit of students who undertake a compulsory training period as part of their academic studies. The traineeships are therefore educational projects and in no way foresee any contractual or employment relationship with the Delegation of the European Union to the People's Republic of China.

Please note that internships are not remunerated by the Delegation.

Objectives of the Traineeship

· to provide trainees with a unique experience about the daily work of a Delegation of the European Union, learning about representing the European Union interests and values outside of the European Union;

· to offer trainees the possibility of discovering directly the multicultural, multilingual and multi-ethnic working environment of an international organisation such as the European Union;

· to offer trainees the possibility of applying the knowledge acquired during their studies;

· to create a group of young people with direct experience in the work of the European Union outside of its borders;

· to enhance the connection between the Delegation of the European Union and the local academic and university world.


Main Tasks during the Traineeship


● research and analysis of information;

● draft press digests and information bulletins, analytical reports on various policy developments in China;

● update the Delegation's social media platforms;

● attend and participate in meetings, cultural and visibility events, seminars and conferences in Beijing;

● support the Delegation in the preparation of visits, missions and meetings as well as follow-up actions

The traineeships offer opportunities for contacts with the Chinese authorities, the European counterparts and the European Union Member States. The successful candidates would have the opportunity to learn working methods and policies within a wide range of sectors.

We are

The Delegation of the European Union to the People's Republic of China is composed of the following sections:

Political Section Acronym: POL

Press and Information Sector Acronym: P&I

Trade and Investment Section Acronym: TRADE

Agricultural Section Acronym: AGRI

Communication Networks, Content and Technology section Acronym: CNCT

Science, Technology Section Acronym: RTD

Environment Section Acronym: ENV

Economic & Finance Section Acronym: ECFIN

Development & Cooperation Section Acronym: DEVCO

We are looking for


Nationals from the European Union Member States or Chinese nationals residing in Beijing and following a curriculum which includes a training period as a compulsory part of their course at the local University.

Candidates' eligibility

Academic Background and Universities

Candidates are University students (in their 3rd, 4th, or 5th academic year).

EU nationals' candidates must provide a copy of their residence permit issued by the Chinese authorities (Public Security Bureau). The residence permit shall remain valid all through the traineeship.

EU nationals' candidates shall have the ability to communicate fluently in English. Communication skill in Mandarin Chinese is an asset.

Chinese nationals must have the ability to communicate fluently in English and in Mandarin Chinese.

Previous Professional Experience

The traineeship programme is foreseen for candidates with no professional experience. Other (previous) internships are not considered as professional experience. The European External Action Service wishes to offer to as many people as possible the opportunity of training. Therefore, applications will not be accepted from candidates who have already benefited or benefit from any kind of training (formal or informal, paid or unpaid) within a European Union institution. In addition, candidates who have already worked for a European Union institution for a period of time, including Blue Book stagiaires, are not eligible for this traineeship.


Candidates should be nationals from the EU Member States or the People's Republic of China.


Candidates should:

• be highly motivated, willing to learn and able to work both in a multi-cultural team and to carry out tasks independently

• demonstrate strong research, writing and analysis skills

• be skilled in using Microsoft office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

To be noted

The European External Action Service has taken the decision that the list of the names of trainees serving in the Delegations of the European Union will be a public document.

Recruitment procedure

The organisation of the selection process will ensure that all candidates are treated in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory way.

Based on the required profile and tasks to be assigned to the selected trainee, selection will be carried out by a Committee made up of the Delegation's Deputy Head of Delegation or representative, one official and/or other agents, after

• Screening of applications

• Establishment of a short-list and

• Interview of at least 3 eligible candidates

The work of the Committee is confidential, final and binding. There is no appeal procedure. Only the candidates invited to the interview will be contacted.

General conditions

• Period of the traineeship is for a maximum of six months.

• The trainee will need to provide proof of sickness and accident insurance coverage in China which covers medical expenses occurred in China. Additional insurance with specific repatriation coverage is necessary for EU MS nationals.

A Traineeship Agreement will be signed between the Traineeship Supervisor and the selected trainee and the University before the start date of the traineeship.

During the period of traineeship, the trainees will be under the direct supervision of their Traineeship Supervisor. The traineeship is based at the Delegation of the European Union to China in Beijing. The trainees will follow instructions and fulfil the tasks assigned to them under the direct and permanent supervision of the Traineeship Supervisor. Trainees may be invited to attend meetings in the Delegation and outside its premises. Under no circumstance will trainees represent the European Union at those meetings or in any other event.

In order to benefit from a real immersion into a professional environment, trainees are invited to follow the same working hours as the expatriate staff of the Delegation (40 hours a week). The Trainee Supervisor may agree to any absences in advance, including for absences linked to academic obligations or for short holidays, if requested. Furthermore, trainees will be expected to notify the Delegation in case of unforeseen absence, including for medical reasons. The Delegation may require trainees to provide a medical certificate as justification.

Where the Delegation considers that unjustified absences are unreasonable or that they are disruptive to the work environment and they do not allow for a meaningful enjoyment of the traineeship experience, the Delegation may decide to terminate the traineeship agreement.

The trainee must be aware of the security and confidentiality rules of the Delegation. For that purpose, the trainee will be provided with a copy of the security rules applicable to the Delegation.

Duty of Discretion and Non-disclosure of Information

Trainees shall observe the greatest discretion in regard to all facts and information of which they become aware in the context of their traineeship or presence on the premises of the Delegation.

Trainees shall not communicate to any third party any information, correspondence or documents which they are required to draw up or of which they become aware of in the course of carrying out their assignments, or be party to any statement, interview or publication relating to matters dealt with in the course of their assignments.

End of Traineeship

At the end of their traineeship period, trainees should complete a report detailing the work that they have carried out during their traineeship and their assessment of their experience. The Traineeship Supervisor should also contribute to this report and provide some guidance and advice, if appropriate, in the final report.

Premature termination of the traineeship shall be agreed by both sides.


The Application dossier should contain the following documents:

  • A letter of motivation in      English

  • A Standard CV (English      version only)

  • A letter from the University      attesting trainee candidate's attendance at University as an undergraduate      or being a Master or Doctorate student requiring a compulsory traineeship.

Please state, in order of priority, the sections you wish to apply for in both your motivation letter and in the subject of your e-mail. You can indicate a maximum of three (3) preferences. Please use relevant acronyms in the following format. The title of your e-mail message shall have the following sequence: "FAMILY NAME – NAME – (for example) POL/P&I/ENV". This will be understood as prioritizing as follows: 1. Political; 2. Press and Information; 3. Environment.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to: delegation-China-HR@eeas.europa.eu

The deadline for reception of applications is set for 20:00 hrs Beijing Time (GMT+8), on
31 December 2017 for the March 2018 - August 2018 session and 30 April 2018 for the September 2018 - February 2019 session.

Interviews should take place within 1 month after this date.



Please find enclosed the link to the Traineeship for the EU Delegation which is open to Chinese applicants. The deadline is 31 December




