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2019年 09 月 30日 14:01

Registration is now open for the TU Berlin Winter University 2020!


柏林工业大学是德国九所卓越理工大学联盟TU9成员之一,也是柏林地区唯一一所理工科大学。TU9是德国理工大学联盟,它是德国九所工业大学的联合平台。TU9联盟主席Ernst Schmachtenberg博士教授指出,”TU9理工高校联盟就是科研实力的代名词。柏林工业大学的优势专业有数学、生物、工程、计算机等。

项目时间:from the 6th of January to the31st of January 2020


Participants can choose from five courses:

All teaching is in English and classes are held on the main campus of the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin). 5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit points are available for each course.

The cultural program offers historical visits, team-building and social activities alongside the academic program.

项目费用Course prices range from 1950-2300€, and include tuition, matriculation at the TU Berlin, a student card, a canteen card, a transport ticket for Berlin and the activities featured on the cultural program.

Early Birds receive a 50€ discount on their course booking if they register before the 4th of November 2019.

报名要求 at least a year of University experience and proof of English language proficiency. 请感兴趣的同学自行报名。

住宿安排Accommodation is available with several living options to choose from.

报名链接Simply visit our website to register. 或通过以下链接获取相关信息:


FAQS: Ask the team at summeruniversity@tubs.de.


