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2017年 09 月 30日 16:09

时  间: 2017年10月19日(星期四)11:00 - 12:00时

地  点: 紫金港校区东1B-212


-          Professor Mike Watkinson, Head of Doctoral College, Professor of Synthetic Chemistry,

-          Dr. Felicity Shelley, PGR Recruitment & Sponsor Relations Manager

The talk will be about opportunities for graduates from ZJU to study for a PhD at Queen Mary university of London.

why London is a great city to study in

how to apply for a PhD and how we work with CSC to provide scholarships for Chinese students.


伦敦大学玛丽女王学院(Queen Mary University of London),世界百强名校,英国常春藤名校联盟“罗素大学集团”成员,英联邦大学联盟成员。伦敦玛丽女王大学是享有国际声誉的伦敦大学联盟中规模最大的学院之一,同时也是伦敦大学联盟中唯一一个将教学、研究及住宿场所都设于伦敦中心的校园式大学。就读伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的学生顺利毕业者,将获颁伦敦大学的学位。不论在世界任何一个地方工作,该学历保证均能受到雇主的认同与青睐。



With a long history and commitment to empowerment through knowledge, Queen Mary University of London is one of the world’s top 121 Universities (Times Higher Education Ranking) and one of the UK’s leading research-focused higher education institutions. Due to its global network of research and teaching partnerships and its large proportion of international students and staff, QMUL is the 14th best University in the UK (Times Higher Education 2018). QMUL is one of 24 leading UK universities represented by the Russell Group, a group committed to maintaining the very best research, an outstanding teaching and learning experience, excellent graduate employability and unrivalled links with business and the public sector.

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) offers a uniquely stimulating environment in which to undertake your PhD. Our academic schools and institutes facilitate world leading research – we were ranked 9th in the UK for the quality of our research outputs in the most recent Research Excellence Framework – and have an impressive track record of facilitating exciting and innovative interdisciplinary collaborations.

QMUL recognises the valuable contribution PhD students make to our research community and we work to attract a large amount of funding for postgraduate research.  QMUL awards over £1.6million worth of funding for QMUL Principal’s Scholarships and also co-funds up to 100 China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarships every year!

As a PhD student at QMUL, you will be a member of our Doctoral College, a lively and welcoming community of over 2000 postgraduates and research associates, 45% of whom are international. QMUL PhD students have access to an extensive rage of research skills training, cohort building events, dedicated careers support for PhD students, and the annual QMUL Graduate Festival.  Completion of a programme of research skills training is recognised with the award of a Queen Mary Diploma in Researcher Development (QDip) at the end of the PhD programme.   

CSC funded scholars can take up positions in any of our academic Schools within Science and Engineering, or Humanities and Social Sciences. These Faculties span research areas ranging from genetics to criminal law, and from materials science to applied linguistics. There is something for everyone at QMUL and with the university just a 15 minute train ride away from the theatres and museums in central London, you will always have something to do.

To apply for a PhD at QMUL you first need to identify a topic and prospective supervisor, then you can submit your online application. After 31st January deadline we will make offers. CSC applicants then submit this offer to CSC in May. Then in September you will come to London and begin your studies. 



