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Apply for 2018 Zhejiang University Chinese Culture & Language Summer School

2018年 05 月 02日 12:44

Do Something Cool with Your Summer

Apply for

2018 Zhejiang  University Chinese Culture & Language Summer School



Time of the Program

July 9th to July 27th, 2018. Three weeks long.

Registration Day: July 5th 2018

Class Placement Test: July 6th 2018 (July 7th & 8th weekend for settling down)

Program starts from: July 9th 2018 Monday


Applicants must be above the age of 18, in good physical and psychological conditions.

Applicants of the age between 16 to 18 MUST have guardians who reside inside Zhejiang Province.

Course Information

Summer School to be held on Yuquan  Campus Zhejiang  University

Accommodation: Single room/Double room in International  College Building


Title of Modules


Chinese Language


36 class hours  (intensive course for elementary and inter-mediate learners)


Culture Lectures

9 lectures on 4  different topics


Culture Visits

6 visits around Hangzhou


Culture Trips

2 trips:

A 3-day  excursion out of Hangzhou but inside Zhejiang Province;

A 3-day  excursion out of Zhejiang   Province


Deadline for Application (1st round)

May 22nd 2018



Please make clear scan copies of all the following 4 documents and send them to us at summerschool@zju.edu.cn as attachment.

Documents necessary for Application:

1). Application Form for Admission to Zhejiang  University (Download)

2). A photocopy of passport

3). A digital passport photo

4). Remittance receipt of the application fee (RMB 2,000 yuan * non-refundable)



11,800 RMB yuan including application fee, tuition fee, text materials, cost of trips and visits, on-campus accommodation (within the period between July 5th and July 27th 2018)

* Applicants are required to pay a 2,000 RMB yuan application fee (*non-refundable), which is included in the total amount

Bank Account Information:

Chinese Yuan / US Dollar Account

Beneficiary: Zhejiang University

Account No: 374065939298

Name of the Bank: Bank ofChina, ZHEDA SUB-BRANCH, HANGZHOU

Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ910

Bank Address: No. 28, Qiushi Road, Hangzhou

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