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2017年 03 月 02日 13:20



      更多信息可查看附件,或请点击法国驻华大使馆提供的中文网页的网址链接:http://www.chine.campusfrance.org/zh-hans/inscription-ecoles-d-ete-2017 。请注意截至日期是326日晚上11点。


The Pre-Ph.D. Summer Schools program (or so-called Ecoles d’été France Excellence) organized by the French Embassy in China consists of 14 summer schools to be held in some of France’s best universities. Designed for Masters’level students, our English-track program covers a wide range of disciplines both in hard sciences and Humanities.  


We are happy to announce that we offer grants for the most promising candidates. Please note that the deadline for application is March 26, 2017 (11 pm).


A full list of our Summer School program is available in the attached document. To learn more about our program, please refer to our dedicated web page:


