
The College of Agriculture and Biotechnology (CAB), Zhejiang University was established in July, 1999 after the four universities in Hangzhou were merged to form a new Zhejiang University in 1998. There are five departments in the college, namely Agronomy, Plant Protection, Horticulture, Tea Science and Applied Bioscience, which offer both undergraduate and graduate education programs. There are nine institutes established under the relevant departments namely, Crop Science, Biotechnology, Insect Science, Pesticide and Environmental Toxicology, Vegetable Science, Pomology, Landscape Architecture, Tea Science and Nuclear-Agricultural Science. There are 226 employees in the college including 81 professors and 79 associate professors. Current undergraduate and graduate enrollments are 802 and 1454, respectively. CAB now hosts two national first-level key disciplines (Horticulture including three second-level disciplines, i.e. Vegetable Science,Pomology and Tea Science and Plant Protection including three second-level disciplines, i.e. Plant Pathology, Entomology and Pesticide Science), two national second-level key disciplines (Crop Genetics and Breeding, and Biophysics), five key disciplines at provincial or ministry level (Plant Pathology, Biophysics, Crop Genetics and Breeding, Pomology, Crop Production and Planting System), a National Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, and three Key Laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture (Nuclear-Agricultural Science, Growth, Development and Biotechnology of Horticultural Plants, and Molecular Biology of Crop Insects and Pathogens). According to the report of the Qualification Assessment of Graduate Program released by China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center recently, Horticulture and Plant Protection ranked first and second, respectively, among graduate programs of these two disciplines in China. As an institution accredited to be funded by the state "211" and "985" Key Disciplines Program, the college has been fully equipped with advanced research and academic facilities. Research grants have been growing during the past five years and reached 860 million Renminbi (CNY) (US$ 143 million) from 2009 to 2013. CAB dates back to Zhejiang Institute for Agricultural Teachers founded in 1910. With the continuous hard work and consistent efforts of many generations, CAB has become one of the leading institutions of education, research and social services in China in the field of agriculture with the determination of playing a pivotal role in the international arena.

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