
Format Request of the Research Presentation
1: In English ONLY
2: Easy-reading color/frame
3: 3~10 slides presentation (PPT or pdf ) or an academic style poster
4: Focus on ONE research project
5: Content should be:
      A: Title of the Topic, Author name, Advisor name, Department/Lab, Grade
      B: Objective (purpose, target in number or level, if any)
      C: Approach (method, equipment and operation details, if any)
      D: Results (including necessary chart/figure)
      E: Discussion (improvement space, comparison with other top-level R&D, if any)
      F: Possible application (if any)
      G: Selected reference papers (the author should be KEY contributor)
The following content is NOT necessary
1: Personal (private) information
2: Honor(s) that not related to
3: Academic records
4: Other materials not related to this research work
        联系人:何俊杰   联系电话:87951272 .
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